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IMBB Alumna Maura Strigini is coordinating the first year of the M. Sc. Program Biomedical Sciences/Health Engineering of the University of Saint-Etienne in France. | News

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IMBB Alumna Maura Strigini is coordinating the first year of the M. Sc. Program Biomedical Sciences/Health Engineering of the University of Saint-Etienne in France.

IMBB Alumna Maura Strigini is coordinating the first year of the M. Sc. Program Biomedical Sciences/Health Engineering of the University of Saint-Etienne in France. Maura was instrumental in mediating research visits for two students at IMBB this year. Nabelle Terfi is working on a project with Dimitris Spyridakos in Domna Karagogeos laboratory at IMBB and University of Crete Medical School. Her project investigates an in vivo demyelination model through injection of LPC toxin in the central nervous system of mice. Lauryne Brancard joined Kriton Kalantidis group at IMBB and the Biology department at the University of Crete. Her project centered on the study of the specific role of RNAse III proteins in the life cycle of viroids within Nicotiana benthamiana to better understand plant defense strategies and identify potential targets for interventions aimed at enhancing resistance.